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Cultural heritage of Boyo
The people are involved in some small craftwork. This concerns woodwork for masks, statutes and some equipment like stools. Baskets woven with grass are made and used for putting corn fufu (‘kel’). Masks are also made for juju’s. Other carvings are used for decorations in churches, doors, stools etc
The traditional dress is the embroidered material made in especially white on black or with some other colors and common in the North West Province. (Bikom Style) Others use the embroidered gowns with jumpers. Also very common is the typical wrapper and blouse that girls and women wear.
In the Boyo area housing is made up of the typical mud blocks and grass rooftops or corrugated iron sheets. The small difference lies with the Fulani’s who have their traditional round huts, which are also now getting gradually replaced. A few of these round huts still exist in Afua. The main Fulani settlement at Dawara is a palace in itself and does not have this typical Fulani huts.
Thus the traditional gown and thatched brick house characteristic of grassland people are common in all the villages. The picturesque site shows corrugated rooftops near and far and also symbolizes an improvement in the standard of living of the population.
Carnival festivals and dances
Boyo area is blessed with very beautiful dances. These are executed in men’s groups, women’s groups and youth groups. Traditional grassland rhythms characterize the music of the people. The popular rhythm of the ‘Njang dance is very common and appreciated in the area as well as in other parts of Boyo , Bui , Menchum , Ngoketugia, Mezam division and the country at large. The’ Njang dance has animated cultural festivals at home and abroad. The ‘Ndong’ dance, the ‘Njang’ or xylophone dance, ‘fibwein’ , ‘fibang’ ; the ‘Chong’ dance and ‘Njong -Kom’ and other special dances are enjoyed by the people and are good potential for tourist events.
Musical instruments include drums, xylophones, flutes and rattles of various kinds.
Historic and cultural sites
The main historic site is located at Laikom - Fundung, which is the seat of the Kom people. Other cultural sites are at Fuli, Anyajua and Sho, where some traditional shrines exist for the cleansing of the people at the beginning of the dry season.
Staple food
The staple food of the Kom people is Corn fufu, ‘katikati’(chicken roasted with its feathers, cut in small pieces and cooked in red oil with spices) with huckleberry, a local vegetable specie. This food is greatly enjoyed by the people. A guest knows he/she is well treated if large lumps of this foodstuff are served to them. Pounded colocasia with various soups and a small variety of other meals are coming in with the cultivation of potatoes and beans. A special meal and drink made from guinea corn is also a delicacy used for ceremonies.
Situation of the woman
The subdivision has five distinct ethnic groups, with four out of the five practicing patrilineal inheritance, with the Koms having the matrilineal inheritance pattern. This places the women in two different positions in the villages. However in some aspects there are similarities and in others, which are few, there are some contrasts.
Marriage in the sub division is a respected institution. There are three main types of marriages that are contracted in the area. These include:-
The traditional marriage - It comprises about four steps - consultation or the introduction of the supposed couple; the knock door- during which the traditional rites are performed with some eating and drinking and exchange of some token gifts of firewood, oil, wine, and kola nuts. The third step is the real traditional marriage or “Ndowi “. This is done on an agreed day in the home of the fathers and uncles. The bride price is given. The amount varies. On another day the ‘Ndowi’ especially for the mothers is done. During this period oil in a special container called ” avofu kah” which takes about 360 litres of oil is given to the mothers The bride is partially anointed with cam wood. The would-be husband brings her gifts of loincloth, bracelets and other gifts in a box. At about 4 am she is then taken to her husband’s home. There is feasting i.e. drinking and eating. The final step called “Chah-wi” comes after the “Ndowi” and comprises heavy feasting. This can be done several years after the ‘Ndowi’. The girl is beautified with traditional ornaments and fully anointed with cam wood all over the body. “Ndowain” is at the period of delivery. Special planning and food rites are observed. And the occasion takes place at the girls mothers home. The child pepper “Fisus” is eaten which comprises dry meat cooked in a lot of oil, with salt
The marriage contracted at the civil registry - this follows after the traditional marriage. Done at the council office in the presence of witnesses. The scope of this depends greatly on how the family wants it to be.
Church wedding - This is emphasized by those who are Christians. They believe in having the marriage solemnized in a church in Western style. The magnitude of the wedding depends on the resources available to the couple
The implication of these ceremonies to development has to do with the way and manner in which resources are allocated and used.
Divorce is not very common but traditionally it is deemed effected when the bride price is totally paid back or when the girls father takes to himself all the children of his daughter.
The treatment given to widows depends greatly on the family background of the couple. In some families the widow is taken over by the brother in law, while in others, where the sister in laws son takes over the inheritance, the widow could decide to have children with the uncles of the man or the successor.
Funeral rites
Burial rites are not very traditional these days. When a person dies and is buried, e.g. the husband, the “ Ndo efuh*” the house in which the widow and her mother in law are found, the food of the dead ”abana ndo efuh” is prepared and put in a traditional tray woven with grass and put in the middle of the compound. The daughters cook the food while the sons provide drinks. The significance is that when this is provided then you have effectively mourned the dead.
BOSTAS visited the Mbessa Association of students and teachers (MAST).
BOSTAS visited the Mbessa Association of students and teachers (MAST). This visit took place from the 27 to the 28 of December 2007 with all theBranches of BOSTAS Represented. The objective of brtinging the Mbessa students to join the BOSTAS was fully archieved and the Boyo students can now live as one. BOSTAS is hoping to bring also the Bum students to join too so together, the division can be developed.
The General Assembly meeting that was massively attended had the following branches represented.
the Bamenda branch of the Boyo Students Association is born, and the main actor behind this delivery is Mr. Jam Yong Helmet. More on this issue will come soon.....
Click here to view part of the photos of the visit